When Aamir Khan gave Kangana Ranaut his...

The battle between Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan and his rumoured ex-flame Kangana Ranaut seems to be getting uglier as both of them are relentlessly accusing each other with new revelations every day. However, according to a report published in Spotboye.com, it was none other than Aamir Khan whom Kangana looked up to, during the time of distress.

The report states that prior to the release of Kangana’s ‘Katti Batti’, the two had met and Kangana was already feeling low due complications in her personal life. She reportedly broke down, leaving Aamir deeply worried about her. He not only tried to calm her down by talking to her, but also asked her sister (Rangoli Ranaut) to take care of her.

Now that was a sweet gesture of Aamir! We have no clue where this is heading to, but we do hope things get sorted out soon!
When Aamir Khan gave Kangana Ranaut his... When Aamir Khan gave Kangana Ranaut his... Reviewed by Mrs. Rizwan Ahmed on 2:22:00 AM Rating: 5
